Lero / OSPO are delighted to present Dr. Kevin Moerman who will talk about ‘Open for Science’



Kevin is a lecturer in biomedical engineering at NUIG, and his research is focussed on computational biomechanics. He is the lead developer of the GIBBON https://www.gibboncode.org/ open source software project offering a large array of software tools for biomechanics. However, besides his research Kevin is also an advocate for open science. He is a co-founder and editor of the Journal of Open Source Software<https://joss.theoj.org/>, and he is also editor for the open access journal PLOS<https://journals.plos.org/plosone/> and the Journal of Open Hardware<https://openhardware.metajnl.com/>. Furthermore, he is on the steering committee of the Engineering Archive<http://engrxiv.org/>, which is a pre-print server for engineering.

Talk title: Open for Science


Science is undergoing a bit of paradigm shift, which is the move to "open science". Funding agencies are finally catching on and are now often requiring that publications, as well as other scientific outcomes, are shared openly. Open science, however, is more than just free access to pdf files. In this talk I aim to convince you that open science is good for both science itself and for your career. The second aim of this presentation is to provide insight into open science practices and introduce tools and principles for open sharing of all your scientific outcomes, including code, data, hardware, and scientific articles. I will also provide an overview of "open scholarship" practices, which includes the use of pre-prints and options for open access publishing. Many lucrative, so-called "gold open access" publishing routes have been proposed by publishers. However, pre-printing, which is free, creates immediate so-called "green open access", and can help improve citations (through early distribution), and can help confirm to funding agency open access requirements.


Time: May 4, 2021 04:00 PM Dublin

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