Jeff Kramer
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Jeff Kramer is an Emeritus Professor of Distributed Computing at Imperial College London, where he has served as Senior Dean and Member of Council, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and Head of the Department of Computing.
His research work is primarily concerned with software engineering, with particular emphasis on evolving software architectures, behaviour analysis and model checking, requirements engineering and adaptive software systems. An early research result was the DARWIN language for evolving distributed architectures, and more recently the Three Layer Model for self-adaptive systems. Current work also includes Digital Humanism: ensuring that technology respects human interests.
Jeff has been served in many major conference and journal committees, notably as a Program Chair and a General Chair of ICSE, and as Editor in Chief of IEEE TSE. His awards include an ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award and an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the ACM, and a Member of Academia Europaea. He has published books on Concurrency, and Distributed Systems and Computer Networks, and is the author of over 250 journal and conference publications. He is a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) Tokyo and at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.