Derek O'Keeffe
Prof Derek O’Keeffe (Twitter @Physicianeer) holds dual first class honours degrees in Engineering (Gold Letter) and Medicine (Gold Medal). In addition he holds a Medical Doctorate and a Masters & PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Limerick and National University of Ireland Galway.
He was a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard, a Green Templeton Scholar at Oxford and is a graduate of the Endocrinology Clinical Fellowship at the Mayo Clinic, USA. As well as multiple academic publications, he holds biomedical patents and several international research prizes. He was awarded The Outstanding Young Person of the World by Junior Chamber International.
He is a Black Belt Taekwondo Instructor, Qualified Pilot, Advanced Scuba Diver & Triathlete. He has previously worked with NASA placing a sleep experiment onboard the International Space Station. In addition he has acted as Flight Surgeon for a NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operation (NEEMO) where they used digital health data to monitor crew health and make mission decisions. He recently completed the world’s first bi-directional care of a patient living in a remote community with drone technology.
He currently works as a Consultant Endocrinologist at University Hospital Galway (UHG) and is the Professor of Medical Device Technology at the National University of Ireland Galway.