Martin Mullins
Prof. Martin Mullins is Co-Leader of the Emerging Risk Group, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, a Senior Lecturer in Risk and Insurance and a member of the Expert Group on Digital Ethics in EIOPA. He teaches on the inaugural national (Ireland) Msc programme in Artificial Intelligence in the area of risk and ethics. He is currently working on a number of risk governance related research projects, including four EU Commission funded projects in the area of emerging technologies and risk transfer. Two of these focuses on risk metrics, privacy and insurance in the area of assisted driving systems, namely VIDAS and Cloud-LSVA funded under the MG3.6 and ICT 16 calls respectively.
Autonomous Vehicles and Avoiding the Trolley (Dilemma): Vehicle Perception, Classification, and the Challenges of Framing Decision Ethics. Cybernetics and Systems. 51:59-80.
2020. Connected automated vehicles and insurance: Analysing future market-structure from a business ecosystem perspective. Technology in Society. 59:101182.
2019. Driving to a future without accidents? Connected automated vehicles' impact on accident frequency and motor insurance risk Environment Systems and Decisions.
2019. Machine Learning Prediction of Nanoparticle In Vitro Toxicity: A Comparative Study of Classifiers and Ensemble-Classifiers using the Copeland Index. Toxicology Letters.
2019. Autonomous Vehicles and Embedded Artificial Intelligence: The Challenges of Framing Machine Driving Decisions. Applied Artificial Intelligence.
2019. .
2019. The impact of autonomous vehicle technologies on product recall risk. International Journal of Production Research. :1-14.
2019. Application of Bayesian networks in determining nanoparticle-induced cellular outcomes using transcriptomics. Nanotoxicology. 13:1-22.
2019. From semi to fully autonomous vehicles: New emerging risks and ethico-legal challenges for human-machine interactions. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 63:153-164.
2019. Connected and autonomous vehicles: A cyber-risk classification framework. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.