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Filters: Author is M Mullins
Autonomous Vehicles and Avoiding the Trolley (Dilemma): Vehicle Perception, Classification, and the Challenges of Framing Decision Ethics. Cybernetics and Systems. 51:59-80.
2020. Application of Bayesian networks in determining nanoparticle-induced cellular outcomes using transcriptomics. Nanotoxicology. 13:1-22.
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2019. Autonomous Vehicles and Embedded Artificial Intelligence: The Challenges of Framing Machine Driving Decisions. Applied Artificial Intelligence.
2019. Connected and autonomous vehicles: A cyber-risk classification framework. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
2019. Connected automated vehicles and insurance: Analysing future market-structure from a business ecosystem perspective. Technology in Society. 59:101182.
2019. Driving to a future without accidents? Connected automated vehicles' impact on accident frequency and motor insurance risk Environment Systems and Decisions.
2019. From semi to fully autonomous vehicles: New emerging risks and ethico-legal challenges for human-machine interactions. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 63:153-164.
2019. The impact of autonomous vehicle technologies on product recall risk. International Journal of Production Research. :1-14.
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2019. Applying crash data to injury claims - an investigation of determinant factors in severe motor vehicle accidents. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 113:244-256.
2018. Artificial Driving Intelligence and Moral Agency: Examining the Decision Ontology of Unavoidable Road Traffic Accidents through the Prism of the Trolley Dilemma. Applied Artificial Intelligence. 33:1-27.
2018. Hazard Screening Methods for Nanomaterials: A Comparative Study . International journal of molecular sciences.
2018. Hazard Screening Methods for Nanomaterials: A Comparative Study. Int. J. Mol. Sci.
2018. Predicting Nanomaterials toxicity pathways based on genome-wide transcriptomics studies using Bayesian networks. 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO).
2018. Reasonable, Adequate and Efficient Allocation of Liability Costs for Automated Vehicles: A Case Study of the German Liability and Insurance Framework. European Journal of Risk Regulation. 9:1-16.
2018. Reasonable, Adequate and Efficient Allocation of Liability Costs for Automated Vehicles: A Case Study of the German Liability and Insurance Framework. European Journal of Risk Regulation. 9:548–563.
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2018. Application of Bayesian Networks for the Human Hazard Prediction and Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials. Nanotoxicology.
2017. The Essential Elements of a Risk Governance Framework for Current and Future Nanotechnologies. Risk Analysis. :n/a–n/a.
2017. Insuring nanotech requires effective risk communication. Nature Nanotechnology.
2017. Semi-autonomous vehicle motor insurance: A Bayesian Network risk transfer approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 82:124-137.