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Filters: Author is Mary Dempsey
Barriers and waste in the research grant application process in higher education through a Lean Six Sigma lens. Management and Production Engineering Review.
2020. The Irish dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) Health Informatics Prediction (HIP) for Osteoporosis Project . BMJ Open Access.
2020. Machine Learning can Improve Clinical Detection of low BMD: The DXA-HIP Study. Journal of Clinical Densitometry.
2020. Perceived non-value added activities in the research grant application process through a lean Six Sigma lens: Lean Six Sigma in higher education. Lean Six Sigma in higher education: A practical guide for continuous improvement professionals in higher education..
2020. Reducing medication errors using lean six sigma methodology in a Thai hospital: an action research study . International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.